Frequently Asked Questions
We offer a full K5 - 12th grade experience.
Unfortunately, we are not able to accept mid-year transfers at Veritas.
The preferred student-to-teacher ratio for each class is 12:1.
On-campus school days for K5-4th grades are Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 am-2:45 pm. 5th grade and older meets for class on campus Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:00 am- 3:00 pm. Morning drop-offs begin at 7:40 am.
We offer English (phonics-based reading, composition, poetry, and grammar), mathematics, nature study, Bible, geography, history, music, and art. Starting in 3rd Grade, students begin taking Latin and science. Starting in 11th Grade, students begin the study of Greek.
No, students enroll in the complete curriculum of liberal arts by grade.
Veritas is an independent, non-denominational, and not-for-profit organization. The school is governed by a Board of Directors, which oversees the Headmaster. The school is certified by and is a member of University Model Schools International and is accredited by Cognia.
Yes, it parallels requirements in the core subjects and exceeds the requirements for grade levels.
During home days, parents spend intentional time leading their child(ren) in the application of concepts taught at school. Parents act as co-teachers and tutors under the guidance of the classroom teacher who provides lesson plans for home days. The number of hours required for teaching at home varies depending on the age of the child and individual needs, but is similar to the time spent during a day at school.
Yes! Please email our Director of Admissions, Ginger Wallace, to explore how this might work.
Beginning in 5th grade, classes meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. This enables the students to have two blocks of home days during which to do assignments and engage in other activities at home. It also allows parents to only add one day of commuting. In addition, it allows students who have younger siblings in the Lower School to have days at home with those siblings.
Short answer: with a lot of training and by gaining experience over the years. Remember, we are teaching our children all of the time! They have already learned how to speak in sentences, pay attention as you read books to them, and kick a ball around the yard from you! There is also required summer co-teacher training as well as other opportunities throughout the school year for continued development as parents and teachers. The beauty of a UMS education is that as students age they grow in responsibility as well as in degree of difficulty in their studies. A UMS education is set up to allow students more time with parents when young and more time to get used to “university style” education with days off between class sessions when older. This scheduling is set up in order to accomplish work with increasing independence, readying them for college and life beyond our doors and homes.
Parents are not expected to keep up with students or serve as tutors in high school. Instead, we encourage parents to pick one or two subjects to enjoy with their students to enable continued bonding and mentoring. Reading history and literature is especially encouraged. -
Veritas currently offers extracurricular activities for students in grade 6 and up. We are committed to offering extra-curricular activities that will help our students grow in Christ-likeness, manifesting the fruit of the Spirit. For younger students, we strongly encourage families to pursue the loves of their students through the various avenues available in Greenville. We currently have several extra-curricular clubs such as a Shakespeare Club, various athletic teams, a Student Council, and a Yearbook Club. See more here.
At Veritas, we recognize that all students have different academic, emotional, and physical needs. While we are a small school with limited resources, we will attempt to accommodate a student’s learning disabilities to the best of our ability. Please note that in order for a student to receive any academic accommodation at Veritas the parent(s)/or guardian(s) must provide professional testing and documentation for a specific learning or physical disability. At this time, we do not have a licensed school psychologist on staff and are not able to provide academic evaluations or testing on campus. If a student is transferring to Veritas with an IEP from a public school, copies of all testing and professional diagnosis must be provided to the VPS school counselor upon enrollment. A meeting will be scheduled with the school counselor, the US/LS principal, the classroom teacher, and the parent to discuss accommodation options at Veritas. Each student and circumstance will be evaluated on an individual basis. As a private school, we do not provide IEPs for our students with disabilities, but will offer reasonable educational and physical accommodations with proper documentation.
We currently lease space as a tenant of St. Matthew United Methodist Church and Greenville ARP Church. Lord willing, our desire is to remain within reasonable proximity of the downtown area as we grow.
Still have unanswered questions?
Please contact Ginger Wallace, Director of Admissions.