Welcome to Veritas

Our Telos
In the Greek New Testament, the word Telos (τέλος) is used to describe the “purpose” or “goal” of human life. The scriptures teach us that our telos is not a place, but a person - Jesus Christ. He is the culmination and fulfillment of our journey.
At Veritas, we pursue Jesus Christ, our telos, by seeking to be a community of students and families growing in the love of God as courageous learners, thoughtful communicators, and gracious servants.
Please read more about our vision and mission below.
Headmaster & Teacher
Our Telos or Vision
To be a community of students and families growing in the love of God as courageous learners, thoughtful communicators, and gracious servants.
Elements of the Veritas Seal
Our Mission
We aspire to live into our Telos as a Christian, classical, University-Model School.
A University-Model School is a parent-partnered, hybrid form of education. Depending on their age, students will attend class on campus two or three days per week.
Our Statement of Faith
We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe God has given his written revelation in the Bible, which is reliable, authoritative, and inerrant.
We believe that man was created by a direct act of God in His image, not from previously existing life, that all men sinned in Adam (the historical father of the entire human race), and thus incurred both physical and spiritual death and inherited a sinful nature.
We believe that God’s grace is found in Jesus Christ, who is the eternal Son of God made man for us and for our salvation, fully God and fully man in one person.
We believe Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless and perfect life, was crucified, and died on a cross as an atoning substitute for sin, and was buried. He was then resurrected from the dead, thereafter appearing to many people and ascending to the Father.
We believe that through faith alone in Jesus Christ and in his finished work, people are forgiven of their sin and brought into a secure eternal relationship with God.
We believe that Jesus has inaugurated his kingdom in his first coming, is building His church by the power of His Spirit, and will physically return at his second coming to raise the dead, judge the world, and establish his consummated kingdom on earth forever.

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Open House