We seek to be a Community
of students and families growing in the love of God as courageous learners, thoughtful communicators, and gracious servants.

Our Telos
In the Greek New Testament, the word Telos (τέλος) is used to describe the “purpose” or “goal” of a human life. The scriptures teach us that our telos is not a place, but a person - Jesus Christ. He is the culmination and fulfillment of our journey.
As an education ministry to families, our goal is to graduate students whose affections and actions are rightly ordered by faithfully cultivating a love of God, self, and neighbor at home, school, and in the community. We believe when we are saved by grace through faith, the Holy Spirit empowers us to this end. Learn more
Headmaster & Teacher
Life at Veritas
Meet The Team

Loving our neighbors…
The Veritas community aspires to become “gracious servants” who give their lives away in loving service to others. One way we cultivate this virtue is by committing a day during the fall and spring semesters to serve our neighbors and partner ministries in the Greenville community.
We seek to be a Community

“...the person who loves those around them will create community.”
— Dietrich Bonhoeffer